About our Teachers
“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in."
-Rachel Carson, Sense of Wonder
We hire teachers with complementary skill sets, typically pairing early childhood education and environmental education. Our teachers have experience working with young children and come from progressive fields of education with emphasis on nature-based, environmental, and outdoor learning.
Everyone on our team, including interns and volunteers, undergo background checks. Lead teachers have current CPR and First Aid certifications and have received Nature-Based Teacher Certification through our umbrella organization, the Association for Nature-Based Education (ANBE.org).
Our team participates in ongoing professional development including: collaborative planning, team meetings, attending and facilitating PD workshops, partnerships with other nature-based schools, written publications, membership to professional associations, and work with (or as) consultants, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Meet our team
These inspiring teachers lead our programs and cherish time in nature - rain or shine!

Forest School Guide/Seedlings Lead Teacher
Marketing & Communications/ Seedlings Lead Teacher

Sarah Zimmerman
Forest School Guide/Seedlings Lead Teacher

Forest Days Baltimore Mentor

Jen Starr
Forest Days Baltimore Lead Teacher

Adalee Lynch
Forest School Student Teacher/Intern